The Fulton Companies: Vertical Tubeless Steam Boilers
The Tribute model (ICT) boiler features a reliable pressure vessel design and high efficiencies, but with the capability to operate at sub 9-ppm NOx with an advanced boiler control system. The unit utilizes a fiber mesh burner, variable-speed fan, and integrated gas train; it provides low emissions combustion with only 4-inch incoming gas pressure. The Tribute also features full 4 to 1 modulation, a stainless steel jacket and the SC-750 advanced boiler control system. The SC-750 touch-screen boiler control system shows operators the current boiler status. This control feature provides high-tech display parameters for burner firing rate, stack temperature, steam pressure, boiler water temperature, and stack emissions levels. The module also displays status of the boiler feed water pumps, de-aerator water temperature, and boiler water level. Using this module, an operator can closely match and maintain boiler performance with system requirements.
The Fulton Companies, 972 Centerville Rd., Pulaski, NY 13142; 315-298-5121;