Feb. 23, 2011: ConsensusDOCS Releases New and Updated Contract Documents for Construction Industry
WASHINGTON - ConsensusDOCS® has announced the release of a comprehensive update to its library of construction contract documents, as well as new contracts.
The update is said to further implement the ConsensusDOCS coalition’s goals of writing fairer, more balanced contracts to foster better project results with less litigation. Drawing from a coalition of more than 30 construction organizations, the revised documents incorporate the most recent best practices and practitioner feedback, including more input from design professionals. The endorsing ConsensusDOCS coalition has increased 50 percent since its inception three years ago, and now includes groups like the Construction Specifications Institute (CSI). Input was also solicited from the American Bar Association Forum on Construction, Owners and Lenders Division as well as the Design Division, the General Counsel of Engineering Joint Contract Documents Committee (EJCDC), American Insurance Association (AIA), and Design-Build Institute of America (DBIA).
The revisions retain a project-first philosophy that puts owners in an active rather than passive role in the construction process. The revisions reflect a plain-English writing style that provides clearer contract interpretation and project administration. By further promoting collaboration, communication, and integration, ConsensusDOCS are in contrast to current practices that often create “contractual silos” that impede efficiency. Building information modeling (BIM) and green building were incorporated specifically into the agreements. In addition, contractual terms were made consistent among each document in the library.
“Rather than wait 10 years to react, the 2011 comprehensive update puts ConsensusDOCS ahead of the curve,” said Brian Perlberg, executive director of ConsensusDOCS. “Today’s construction industry looks almost nothing like it did in 2007. The practical expertise of an expanded coalition effort brought new ideas and actively listened to outside feedback to make the best standard contracts even better.”
For more information, visit www.ConsensusDOCS.org.
Publication date: 02/21/2011
The update is said to further implement the ConsensusDOCS coalition’s goals of writing fairer, more balanced contracts to foster better project results with less litigation. Drawing from a coalition of more than 30 construction organizations, the revised documents incorporate the most recent best practices and practitioner feedback, including more input from design professionals. The endorsing ConsensusDOCS coalition has increased 50 percent since its inception three years ago, and now includes groups like the Construction Specifications Institute (CSI). Input was also solicited from the American Bar Association Forum on Construction, Owners and Lenders Division as well as the Design Division, the General Counsel of Engineering Joint Contract Documents Committee (EJCDC), American Insurance Association (AIA), and Design-Build Institute of America (DBIA).
The revisions retain a project-first philosophy that puts owners in an active rather than passive role in the construction process. The revisions reflect a plain-English writing style that provides clearer contract interpretation and project administration. By further promoting collaboration, communication, and integration, ConsensusDOCS are in contrast to current practices that often create “contractual silos” that impede efficiency. Building information modeling (BIM) and green building were incorporated specifically into the agreements. In addition, contractual terms were made consistent among each document in the library.
“Rather than wait 10 years to react, the 2011 comprehensive update puts ConsensusDOCS ahead of the curve,” said Brian Perlberg, executive director of ConsensusDOCS. “Today’s construction industry looks almost nothing like it did in 2007. The practical expertise of an expanded coalition effort brought new ideas and actively listened to outside feedback to make the best standard contracts even better.”
For more information, visit www.ConsensusDOCS.org.
Publication date: 02/21/2011