ARLINGTON, Va. - The Air Conditioning Contractors of America (ACCA) has released the latest in its ComforTool series of flyers for ACCA members to use as a marketing tool and to help educate customers. The new flyer, “High Efficiency + Tax Credits = Savings” explains the changes that were made to the 25c tax credits with the passage of the tax extender bill in December.
“The changes to the 25c tax credits sparked a lot questions from ACCA members and requests for information that they could share with their customers,” said Paul T. Stalknecht, ACCA president and CEO. “This ComforTool meets those needs and will continue to be a valuable resource for contractors throughout 2011 when explaining these changes to customers.”
Previous ComforTools include: What Causes Formicary Corrosion & How Is It Stopped?; You May Need More Outside Air in Your Home; and Preventive Maintenance = Savings.
ACCA members can download the 25c tax credit ComforTool, and any of the previous ones, for free at For more information on ACCA, visit
Publication date:01/10/2011