Thrush Co. Inc.: Water-Pressure Booster System
The Pressurizer-VS™ is an energy-saving water pressure booster system based on a Baldor variable-frequency microdrive and high-efficiency motor. The system is designed to provide supplemental pressurization of water supplies, using a preemptive control scheme that employs custom Baldor-developed firmware to regulate output flow and pressure very efficiently and accurately. It uses a TV2g in-line pump closely coupled to a vertically-mounted motor, with an adjacent hydropneumatic pressure tank, which enables the system to react the instant water is demanded, and prevents the system cycling during small, infrequent demands. The physical layout of the entire system results in a very compact footprint, enabling the unit to be fitted in areas too small for conventional systems, says the company. The pressurizer is available with a number of different motor and drive options, covering flow rates up to 200 gpm (910 lpm) and pressure boost ranges from 30 to 80 psi. As standard, the system is supplied with a Baldor high-efficiency drip-proof motor, controlled by a Baldor VS1MD microdrive.
Thrush Co. Inc., 340 West 8th St., Peru, IN 46970; 765-472-3351; 765-472-3968 (fax);; or
eProduct 188