ROCKVILLE, Md. - The Mechanical Contractors Association of America (MCAA) announced that at its Mid-Year Conference - Navigating the Recovery: Strategies for Success - participants will look ahead at the trends, opportunities, strategies, and solutions that can help mechanical contractors thrive. The interactive, solutions-based conference for principals and key team leaders will be held in Indianapolis, Sept. 12-14, 2011.

Mark Rogers, COO of West Chester Mechanical in Chester, Pa., and MCAA’s president, noted that the conference will help companies take the steps they need to prepare themselves for the business growth spurt that’s coming, saying “MCAA has assembled a team of speakers who will provide contractors with the information and tools they will need to make the right decisions at the right time.”

The aim of the education sessions is to help contractors understand:

• The trends that created the recent business upturn;

• The dynamics that are affecting that environment now and into the near future;

• How successful, entrepreneurial companies are gearing up for the changing business climate and what can be learned from them; and

• How to position their companies to identify new opportunities that will bring sustained growth, expansion, and success.

MCAA said the conference will provide the elements mechanical contractors need to build a strategy for their companies and opportunities to try out those concepts and put them to work. Participants will also learn how to convert their strategy into actions with a timeline for implementation, the resources they will need to make it happen and advice on how to obtain them, and measurements that gauge progress and signal ultimate success.

Steve Dawson, president of HFI in Bloomington, Ind., and chairman of the 2011 Mid-Year Conference, added that, “Companies with a desire to improve, evolve, grow, or be successful should not miss this conference.” He also noted that companies with multiple individuals attending together tend to see a greater return on investment because, “True change, true evolution, and true implementation of strategy require energy and getting people on board. By bringing teams of people to this conference, the group excitement is contagious and can be more successfully taken back to your company with better results.”

Additional information and online registration are available at

Publication date:06/13/2011