HOUSTON - Hunton Group, a manufacturer’s rep firm, hosted an open house recently. Technology and Innovation Benefitting Customers, the theme of the open house, was carried throughout the event, with vendor representatives giving product demonstrations and providing specific information.
At the open house, at least 20 vendors displayed products and systems that were either new or being introduced to the market or products that had major improvements.
“We want our customers to know we are listening to them,” said Richard Hunton Jr. “The market is calling for high-efficiency products with energy consumption, and almost every product here has the highest efficiencies in its category.”
The open house had a Mardi Gras party theme. Customers were treated to Cajun food and listened to the tunes of the Zydeco Dots.
For more information about Hunton Group, visit www.huntongroup.com.
Publication date:05/09/2011