Siemens Industry Inc.: Web-Based Building Automation Systems
The line of Apogee® and Talon® building automation systems has been enhanced to include BACnet web-based remote system monitoring, commanding, alarm management, scheduling, and trending functions. The BACnet enhancements also improve operator efficiency and convenience with browser-based Internet system access and control functionality. New features include controller-based BACnet web pages for viewing, commanding, and monitoring system information. Local and remote access to configure and edit the web-based controller database has also been added, as well as cost-saving BACnet MS/TP programmable controllers, remote I/O, and a local controller user interface. The web browser feature mitigates the necessity for a dedicated PC-based workstation through its simple-to-use interface. Any PC or laptop connected to the Internet can access the controller database and maintain system control remotely. Both systems are built on open-protocol platforms, and can seamlessly link BACnet, LonTalk, Modbus, and other common open-protocol devices into a single control system.
Siemens Industry Inc., 1000 Deerfield Parkway, Buffalo Grove, IL 60089; 847-215-1000; or
eProduct 187