COMPANY:Crosby-Brownlie Inc., Rochester, N.Y.
INSTALLATION:Onset web-based HOBO® U30 energy monitoring systems with NorthWrite Monitoring-Based Commissioning (MBCx)
OBJECTIVE: To monitor building energy use and identify opportunities for cost savings.
DESCRIPTION: Crosby-Brownlie Inc., a mechanical contracting firm in upstate New York, typically implements HVAC/building monitoring solutions in customers’ facilities. But for a recent project, the firm decided to implement a monitoring solution in its own facility to get a better handle on its energy use.
The company installed an integrated, real-time energy monitoring solution combining Onset’s web-based HOBO® U30 energy monitoring systems with NorthWrite’s Monitoring-Based Commissioning (MBCx), a turnkey energy information management service that leverages Northwrite’s Energy Expert energy analysis dashboard software.
This installation was part of a larger program funded by the New York State Energy Research and Development Authority (NYSERDA) that aims to test NorthWrite’s innovative energy efficiency service for buildings. Currently, the program is tracking whole-building electric use in 20 commercial buildings throughout New York.
After implementing the monitoring solution, Crosby-Brownlie discovered that the building’s HVAC system startup was occurring too early in the morning (3:00 a.m.) and could be delayed by several hours to reduce energy costs. It also discovered that several zones in the building were experiencing large temperature fluctuations and inconsistency between set points and schedules.
Publication date:06/20/2011