According to the company, SeriousEnergy Manager 3.1 provides facilities managers with a platform to reduce energy consumption and operational costs, and at the same time, help reduce occupant complaints and service calls. Serious Energy’s software and services are said to monitor, analyze, and visualize energy consumption in smarter, greater detail.
SeriousEnergy Manager 3.1 includes a major enhancement for delivering and visualizing straightforward energy conservation measures to customers. Customers can view all of the performance anomalies identified by platform analytics, automatically and in real-time, as an interactive list, complete with actionable energy improvement measures and related energy waste cost information. Examples of typical energy-wasting issues that may be identified include:
• Stuck outdoor air dampers that either prevent the system from economizing or bring in excessive outdoor air.
• Heating systems operating when not required.
• Short cycling of compressors.
• Simultaneous heating and cooling.
Savings Opportunity Reports automatically sort building anomalies by energy and cost impact and can be annotated with status information, helping the facilities manager to prioritize issues, save time, avoid occupant complaints, and decrease service calls. Included in this reporting feature is the ability to annualize all costs using local tariff schedules and typical meteorological year (TMY) data. This feature sits atop a significantly expanded set of fault detection and diagnostics.
With the KPI Report Builder, customers can configure their own energy performance reports based on the variables and key performance indicators of their choice for granular energy analyses across a single building, specific zones within a building, or across entire building portfolios.
For more information, visit
Publication date:08/08/2011