Venmar Ventilation Inc.: Heat- and Energy-Recovery Ventilators
September 5, 2011
Kubix™ heat- and energy-recovery ventilators (HRVs and ERVs) are a family of ventilators specifically designed for condominiums and other small homes up to about 1,000 square feet (or more, depending on local building codes). With its cube shape of less than 16 inches (40 cm) on each side, the equivalent of a small suitcase, the Kubix can be easily concealed in a closet or above a hot-water tank to save valuable space. The 4-inch (10 cm) diameter intake and exhaust ports allow builders to use smaller, less costly installation materials. Because HRVs and ERVS are often installed in the living space and not in a basement in small residences, the ventilators have a quiet blower. The Venmar AVS Kubix family comes in five models, including ERV as well as HRV cores, to cover most construction requirements. Four of the models are Energy Star®-qualified and also meet Novoclimat™ program requirements in Quebec.
Designs and manufactures high quality heat and energy recovery ventilators (H/ERV). Primary markets are commercial, residential, multi-unit residential and institutional.
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