ARLINGTON HEIGHTS, Ill. — The Air Movement and Control Association International Inc. (AMCA) has revised its publication 11-03 (R2008) (Rev. 1/11), to Certified Ratings Program Operating Manual- AMCA 11-03 (R2008) (Rev. 5/11).

The purpose of the AMCA International Certified Ratings Program (CRP) provides the buyer, user, and specifier assurance that the manufacturer’s published performance ratings of air system components are reliable and accurate, and further, provides these parties with information on how the product was tested, what appurtenances were included, and other pertinent information so that they may be able to select an air system component that will provide the performance required.

AMCA 11-03 (R2008) (Rev. 5/11) provides a definition for “public.” When used with the availability of a product line catalog, public shall mean users and specifiers only. A licensee is not required to provide a catalog that meets the requirements of this program to a competitor.

AMCA 11-03 (R2008) (Rev. 5/11) is the governance for the AMCA International CRP, and is to be used in conjunction with companion documents as applicable, such as AMCA publications 211, 212, 311, 511, 611, 1011, and all known applicable CRP documents currently in use.

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Publication date: 09/19/2011