Distech Controls: Web-Based Energy Management Dashboard
February 20, 2012
A web-based energy management dashboard, the EC-NetAX EnerVue, provides visualization of vital building metrics through an easy-to-use, browser-based dashboard application. The dashboard allows users to quickly identify issues, assess relationships, and take action to optimize resource efficiencies and sustainability, and ultimately increase energy and operational cost savings across their building portfolio. The application makes use of, and converts into graphics and reports, large amounts of real-time and historical data available in the EC-NetAX web-based multiprotocol building management system. It can be used for single or multiple site installations. The dashboard allows building managers, energy managers, and executives to identify the greatest opportunities to reduce energy costs, validate capital upgrades, and track their return on investment. Equally useful for new buildings as well as retrofits, EC-NetAX EnerVue enables quick identification of locations that are deviating from their past performance, or operating outside the norm for similar structures. Through an extensive library of viewlets, the dashboard can easily be customized for an individual user’s unique needs and requirements. Viewlets are available for various data, histories, and metrics, including energy trends, building comparisons, weather data, network status, consumption efficiencies, and key performance indices (KPIs).
The Energy Management Association (EMA) advances energy management services and is recognized by the Department of Energy and ANAB. EMA offers unique commissioning-based programs and the esteemed EMP Certification.
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