Plumbing and mechanical contractors can build professional job submittals, start-to-finish, ready to send to the project owner, general contractor, architect, or engineer for sign-off with Submittal Manager™. Submittal Manager can also be utilized by plumbing and mechanical distributors as a time-saving tool when asked to take on the entire submittal building task for their contractor customer. The online software was generated from a blueprint of the company’s electrical version. It has a library of 250,000 up-to-date manufacturer catalog pages, electronic mark-up tools, and other conventions. Users can find pages quickly with targeted search methods, but Submittal Manager can also match an uploaded parts’ list against the database to find and automatically add corresponding catalog pages to the submittal. Users will also find that work done in previous submittals can be applied to future submittals, eliminating the need to start from scratch. It also automatically classifies the document to the industry standard CSI MasterFormat®.

Trade Service Co.

eProduct 184