To engage consumers in the social media space, the new website includes:
1. Blog — The staff will post the latest and most interesting articles regarding HVAC and the visitor will be able to inquire and compare notes with other homeowners that may have had similar questions or are facing the same issues. The blog is moderated and visitors do not need to worry about off-topic or offensive material being posted.
2. Facebook — Posting, interacting, and taking advantage of the mobile features of Facebook is another feature made available at the website. Here users can share what they like and suggest interesting content to their friends that may be looking for air conditioning or heating solutions.
3. Twitter — Following the @TripleA_Air tag, those on Twitter can stay informed with the very latest news and notices about equipment, photographs of local installations, one-to-one quick responses or just industry articles released from time to time.
4. YouTube — Videos with real-life examples of local air conditioning repairs, heating repairs, system installations, and system explanations are uploaded to the new YouTube channel at
For more information, visit
Publication date: 04/16/2012