ARLINGTON, Va. — The Air Conditioning Contractors of America’s (ACCA) Radiant & Hydronics Council (RHC) has attained a membership of more than 500 contracting businesses, making it one of the largest hydronics contracting organizations in the country.

Created six months ago, the RHC is the first ACCA council representing a specific market segment within the industry. As a group-within-a-group, the RHC is led by several volunteer leaders and provides numerous benefits and resources for its member companies.

“The hydronics market segment was in need of, and ready for, a strong contractor-led organization to meet our unique needs,” said Dan Foley, RHC advisory committee chair. “ACCA’s background working for and with contractors to build a better, more professional industry made them the right organization to facilitate the RHC. It’s evident that the RHC will continue to grow and flourish under the ACCA umbrella.”

Paul T. Stalknecht, president and CEO, ACCA, said he is pleased with the number of contractors on board with the RHC.

“We knew there was a need for a contractor-led organization that was focused on hydronics when we started the RHC, and the response we’ve seen shows us that we were on the right track. Led by a dedicated and knowledgeable group of hydronics contractors, the RHC is just getting started, with new training materials, products, and events underway for 2012.”

The Hydronics Roundtable, an RHC-sponsored, two-day conference aimed at hydronics professionals, will be held Oct. 9-10 in Austin, Texas. For more information, visit

Publication date: 05/14/2012