The B26 AsyMatrix® brazed plate heat exchanger (BPHE) is designed for heat pumps. It is an asymmetric condenser for ground-source and reversible air-to-water heat pumps with a wide capacity range between 5-40 kW. The asymmetric plate geometry allows the unit to deliver superior performance with a very low water pressure drop to optimize system efficiency. According to the manufacturer, the B26 is 30 percent shorter than symmetric heat exchangers in the same capacity range and offers a reduction in refrigerant hold-up volume up to 50 percent. The AsyMatrix plate pattern improves heat transfer while decreasing water pressure drop and refrigerant charge, said the company. The product is approved for pressures up to 45 bar (650 psi), so it can be used with the majority of current high-pressure refrigerants.
On Demand With federal, state, and local incentives abundant, heat pumps are gaining in popularity and the DOE’s Cold Climate Heat Pump Challenge has made sure they are an option in any region of the country. But how do the new refrigerants being introduced factor into this trend?
BP Porter Inc., the products of this company BPC-1 Bill Porter Control (a fossil fuel control) and BPC-ODS micro'stat was developed (invented) by Bill Porter a HVAC technician in early 1994.
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