Carbon Dioxide TransmitterThe carbon dioxide (CO2) transmitters can raise energy-saving efficiency, analyze indoor air, and monitor CO2 levels in underground parking facilities and tunnels, said the company. The transmitters detect a high concentration of CO2 before it poses a health risk, then effective countermeasures can be initiated to reduce CO2 levels. A wide range of CO2 measuring instruments are available. The devices can be used for regulating ventilation in living areas, offices, classrooms, cinemas, and hospitals, and for measuring CO2 pollution in garages, tunnels, and logistics facilities. The sensors, based on the NDIR (nondispersive infrared) principle of measurement, are all calibrated and feature an autocalibration function, which will operate for many years without maintenance, the company said. The measuring range is 0–40,000 ppm (0–4 percent vol), the operating range is 0–50°C/0-95 percent humidity; a relay and alarm are fitted as standard.

Rotronic Instrument Corp.

eProduct 181