ROCKVILLE, Md. — The Mechanical Service Contractors of America (MSCA) 27th Annual Educational Conference MSCA LIVE 2012 will be held Oct. 14-17, 2012, at the Park Hyatt Aviara Resort in Carlsbad, Calif.

The theme of this year’s conference, “A Transformation Experience: Navigating a Changing World,” will be highlighted in many of the event’s programs including the special session Influencer: The Power to Change Anything, which will be presented by Joseph Grenny, influence and leadership expert. Grenny will teach attendees how to rapidly master new skills to achieve greater results and how to harness the power of peer pressure to accelerate change.

Additional conference speakers include visionary artist Erik Wahl, who will explain how to sharpen creative skills and identify a personal style for inspiring others. Marathon runner and father Dick Hoyt tell the audience his personal story of how he and his wheelchair bound son have successfully completed 29 Boston Marathons together. Consultant Sally Hogshead will close the event with her presentation How to Fascinate, which will guide attendees to discovering how to use their personality’s hardwired advantages to fascinate customers and co-workers.

On Oct. 14, a one-day optional program, Taking Energy Solutions to the Next Level: Selling Efficiency Effectively, will be held from 7:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. Mark Jewell, president of Energy Efficiency Funding Group Inc., will lead this session on how to drive business and enhance sales of energy efficiency solutions. Topics will include leveraging the Energy Star® Portfolio Manager benchmarking tool to open doors and document progress; understanding and selling the benefits of enhanced efficiency; and how to use life-cycle costs to justify higher first-cost, premium-efficiency solutions.

The conference will also feature a variety of educational programs, peer group roundtable sessions, and a Supplier Partnership Day which will spotlight the event’s exhibitors and sponsors.

“Adapting to change is a critical skill all successful businesspeople must possess. Knowing how to take advantage of the fruits of change is even more important,” said MSCA Chairman Woody Woodall of W.L. Gary Company, Washington, D.C. “The many sessions at MSCA LIVE 2012 will help attendees build the foundation they need to successfully garner positive results from changes that come at them from every angle, both professionally and personally.”

For more information about the conference, visit

Publication date: 6/18/2012