Gold Winner
General Tools & Instruments’ Data Logging Hot Wire Anemometer/IR Thermometer (CIH20DL) measures speed, volume, and temperature of slow-moving air. It can perform minimally invasive duct flow testing and energy audits, convert air speed readings to airflow volume measurements in units of cfm or cmm, and determine air and surface temperatures — including identifying overheated system components. It has a data logging capacity of up to 20,000 data points, and the ability to transfer data to a computer via a USB port. The product measures airflow volumes of up to 2.5 million cfm (72,000 cmm). Its hot wire sensor handles even the slightest (2 ft/min) air movement with ±3 percent accuracy. It also has five available air speed units: ft/min, m/sec, mph, km/hr, knots. The Hot Wire Anemometer/IR Thermometer comes in a custom molded plastic case with a USB cable, an ac adapter, a cable to enable long-term data logging, a 9-V alkaline battery, a CD with Windows-compatible software and drivers, a certificate of traceable calibration, and a user’s manual.
General’s Hot Wire Anemometer/IR Thermometer can also be used to test a variety of equipment, systems, and components in HVACR; to check heating, a/c, and refrigeration system components; to take the temperature of forced hot air supply and return vents; and to test chillers, steam traps, and heat exchangers.
Silver Winner
The new GeoSystems® GeoSource Control Board is designed to provide the technician with extensive diagnostics capabilities and One Touch Commissioning™ in addition to control over the numerous operating functions of a geothermal heat pump. The controller ties to an easy-to-read illuminated display panel showing the status for power, heating, cooling, and domestic hot water. The panel also features five indicator icons to help troubleshoot lockouts and error conditions. Service indicators include high discharge gas temperature, high pressure, low pressure, freeze, and overflow (drain pan filled with water).
One Touch Commissioning is designed to perform an extensive system run test. The feature automatically runs through a 60-minute series of tests to ensure the system functions properly in all modes. It is initiated by pressing two control buttons that are hidden behind the surface of the panel to avoid accidental activation by the homeowner.
The GeoSystems control panel is designed to verify proper installation and operation as well as assist in diagnosing any problems with the consumer’s geothermal heat pump. It provides an efficient method for contractors and homeowners to troubleshoot issues with their heat pump and monitor operation.
Bronze Winner
The Ruskin Inspector™ consists of a touchscreen panel PC (FSDPC) and pre-loaded software. The system continuously communicates with damper interfaces (FSDI) to provide intelligent monitoring of all fire, smoke, and combination fire/smoke dampers. The FSDPC is supplied with Ruskin Inspector software and operates on a user-friendly embedded platform. The server architecture delivers new benefits such as reduced commissioning time, ease of configuration, simplified operation, and automatic damper testing. The entire network of life safety dampers can be seen and controlled through the FSDPC touchscreen monitor.
Each damper is shipped with an Inspector Ready single point power connection utilizing Molex connectors. The damper interface (FSDI) is shipped in an electrical enclosure that is secured to the duct or adjacent wall near the damper. The FSDI is factory supplied with power and signal wires that have mating Molex connectors for plug-and-play installation. The line voltage and network cable is brought to each FSDI and terminates at screw terminals. The Inspector requires little maintenance or service and eliminates the need for manual testing of all life safety dampers within the system. The system can also monitor noncritical components of the HVAC system, such as air measurement stations.
Sidebar: 2012 Honorees — Testing + Monitoring Products
Gold Winner
Manufacturer: General Tools & Instruments
Product: Data Logging Hot Wire Anemometer/IR Thermometer
Silver Winner
Manufacturer: GeoSystems®
Product: GeoSource Control Board
Bronze Winner
Manufacturer: Ruskin
Product: Ruskin Inspector™
Publication date: 7/9/2012