ASHRAE Calls for 2013 Conference Papers
The conference seeks papers on current research worldwide; core HVACR applications and systems; and, featured for this conference, integrated project design, energy modeling, and building efficiency performance. The research track seeks papers that report on all aspects pertaining to HVACR and attempts to bring together researchers to present and discuss the latest research. The research track has an emphasis on renewable energy research and its role in the industry’s movement toward a clean energy economy. Papers describing ASHRAE-related research are encouraged as well as papers from societies and associations worldwide.
As with past ASHRAE conferences, the Denver conference seeks papers addressing advances and practices across HVACR systems, equipment, fundamentals, and applications.
The integrated project delivery track addresses the evolving method of managing a design project from conceptual design through to the operation and maintenance phase, based on the concept of shared risk/profit and teamwork. Papers in this track will focus on success and lessons learned, as well as individual roles in integrated project delivery collaboration.
The building energy modeling vs. measurement and verification track seeks papers discussing the accuracy of building energy modeling programs compared to utility usage in the actual building after one to two years of occupancy. Papers in this track will investigate the realities of construction, operations, and maintenance, such as systemic construction issues that lead to long-term nonperformance and training staff to operate a building as it was designed to perform.
The mile-high efficiency and equipment track seeks papers highlighting new breakthroughs in equipment and building systems that contribute to a building’s overall high-efficiency performance.
ASHRAE accepts these types of paper submissions; Conference paper abstracts are due Sept. 24, 2012. Upon acceptance, papers will be due Jan. 14, 2013. These papers undergo a single-blind review, are submitted as a PDF, and have an eight single-spaced page maximum length.
Full technical papers are due Sept. 24, 2012. Papers submitted for review must be both technically accurate and clearly written. These papers undergo a rigorous double-blind review and can be a maximum of 30 double-spaced pages. To submit a conference paper abstract or a technical paper, go to
Publication date: 7/16/2012