Customer: Southgate Community Schools (Detroit)
Installation: Five Fulton PWH2000 Pulse boilers Tridium HVAC control system
Completion: February 2013 (estimated)
Objective: Upgrade an aging HVAC infrastructure without increasing taxpayer burden.
Description: ABM Business Solutions is helping Southgate Community Schools reallocate $2.7 million in energy management savings toward critical asset modernization for 11 schools and buildings district-wide. The improvement project, which began in April 2012, is entirely self-funded and includes new high-efficiency boilers, high-efficiency lighting, weather stripping, window and door caulking, new demand-controlled ventilation, and retro-commissioned HVAC systems. A district-wide, web-based HVAC control system grants leaders better control of building temperature and time schedules. Aiding the district’s management of the amount of energy used, the control system will also allow the district to detect arising equipment problems and notify appropriate staff.
“As a deficit school district, we look for the best ways to stay financially viable while trying to address the continuous needs of our district. Some of the needs that had not received adequate attention were those of energy savings and capital outlay pertaining to district lighting, doors, windows, roofing, and most notably, HVAC. When ABM introduced the project to the district last fall, it seemed like an obvious yes for all of us. We were all pleasantly surprised at the level of upgrades we could receive with a guaranteed savings from the reduction of our energy consumption.”
— Dan Phillips, director of business and finance, Southgate Community Schools, Detroit
Publication date: 07/23/2012