WaterFurnace has launched the 7 Series, which the company said represents breakthroughs in energy efficiency, integrated technologies, communication capabilities, and comfort. WaterFurnace said the 7 Series 700A11 is the first variable capacity geothermal unit available for homeowners and the only unit to surpass both 41 energy efficiency ratio (EER) and 5.3 coefficient of performance (COP). This represents efficiencies twice that of traditional air conditioners or heat pumps and 30 percent greater than current geothermal units.
WaterFurnace International Inc. www.waterfurnace.com
The workshop is lead by John Siegenthaler, who is a principal, Appropriate Designs, a licensed professional engineer. and has over 32 years of experience in designing modern hydronic heating systems, and has presented workshops in the U.S., Canada, and Europe.
BP Porter Inc., the products of this company BPC-1 Bill Porter Control (a fossil fuel control) and BPC-ODS micro'stat was developed (invented) by Bill Porter a HVAC technician in early 1994.
IGSHPA is an association of companies, professionals and users dedicated to promoting the science, utility and use of geothermal (ground source) heating and cooling technology.
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