electronic condensate management sensorsBoth the AquaGuard AG-1100E and AG-1175E are electronic condensate management sensors for metal secondary drain pans. They mount directly to the side of a metal secondary pan in seconds with a single thumbscrew, making any installation — commercial or residential — quick and easy. The sensors are 24-vac, 5-A, solid state sensors, which feature electronics that provide a short cycle protection time delay. The proprietary-design sensors are protected from false trigger causing debris and can detect as little as 1/16 inch of water in a standard 2-inch metal drain pan. When activated, they will automatically shut off the HVACR system. Both sensors are UL 508-approved. Additional features of the AG-1175E sensor includes plenum-rated wire, internal water detection LED light, and normally open fourth wire for optional external alarm, digital controller, or energy management system.

Resource Conservation Technologies Inc.

eProduct 184