The final RBSA sample consists of households across the Northwest representing the service areas of 99 utilities: 89 public utilities, seven investor-owned utilities, and three natural gas-only utilities.
NEEA is conducting this study on behalf of more than 100 utilities throughout the Northwest region, including Oregon, Washington, Idaho, and Montana. The region’s utilities, the Energy Trust of Oregon, and the Bonneville Power Administration will use the study results to identify opportunities for energy efficiency programs.
“Similar studies were implemented in the early 1990s, and since then, much has changed in the way the region uses energy,” said Tom Eckman, manager of conservation resources for the Northwest Power and Conservation Council. “Appliances and HVAC equipment are now more efficient, the region uses more electronics, and many new types of lights are available on the market. Data collected from the study will provide critical support for the Northwest Power and Conservation Council’s 7th Power Plan development, as well as updated load shape information for our region.”
Utilities, power planning, and energy planning experts in the Northwest will also leverage the results of the RBSA to design energy efficiency rebate programs to help the Northwest meet increasing residential energy needs through energy efficiency.
“Together with our funders, NEEA is able to coordinate research that will help utilities around the Northwest develop residential energy efficiency programs and incentives that best meet the changing consumption needs and demands of their customers,” said Susan E. Stratton, NEEA’s executive director.
The first two reports in the series focus on single-family and manufactured homes and are available online at
Publication date: 2/25/2013