WASHINGTON — The Alliance to Save Energy (ASE) applauded Sen. Mark Warner, D-Va., and Sen. Joe Manchin, D-W.Va., for introducing a bill to create, fund, and implement an energy productivity competition for states.

“Once again, Mark Warner is leading the charge on energy efficiency, and having personally led the commission, this major step must be especially rewarding for him,” Alliance president Kateri Callahan said. “It’s inspiring and exciting to see the ideas and strategies we worked on for more than a year being translated into reality.”

The Race to the Top-style competition, which was embraced by President Obama in his State of the Union and 2014 budget, aims to promote innovation in energy efficiency at the state and local levels of government. By providing the tools and funding needed for states to implement tailored energy-efficiency programs, the competition will keep more money in local communities, save taxpayer dollars, and reduce families’ energy bills.

“This initiative lets us bring energy efficiency to where the rubber hits the road. By empowering our states and local communities to take a leadership role, this friendly competition can make a difference right where it really matters,” Warner said.

Publication date: 8/5/2013

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