At, The NEWS’ Extra Edition page is home to hundreds of online-exclusive service and maintenance, technical, and business management articles. Here are some of the best.

Proper Use of Superheat Measurements

With increasing energy costs and growing demands for more efficient cooling systems, the need for accurate superheat measurements has become more important. Unfortunately, some technicians have either forgotten what they were taught about superheat in school or think it’s too much trouble to perform. They learn the procedure, but find it more difficult in the field, largely because of forgotten techniques or ineffective measuring tools. A lack of superheat measurements results in air conditioners that are either undercharged or overcharged and in danger of compressor failure.

Btu Buddy 1: Servicing a Frozen Suction Line and Compressor

Bob has been called to a job where the homeowner complains that the unit ran all night but there is no cooling; the house is still warm and humid. When Bob arrives, he finds the suction line is frozen all the way back to the compressor and the compressor is a solid ball of ice. This looks like a clear case of low refrigerant charge. But Btu Buddy said, “Ask some questions, Bob.” So Bob asked the homeowner to describe the sequence of events, which revealed a myriad of concerns.

Unlocking the Barriers to Business Success

The fact is that, aside from specific product or service offerings, most companies are exactly the same. Today’s business world is a homogenized culture that prohibits the true diversity of any individual or department to shine. Business owners and managers enforce rules that stifle what is unique and creative in their team so as not to offend any outside group. The irony is that in the midst of enforcing all these standard operating practices, many business leaders actually wonder why their company is, at best, mediocre.

Making Maximum Use of Direct Mail

Direct mail is one of the primary tools in an HVAC contractor’s marketing tool belt. A mailing list for your territory can be readily purchased or developed, and a letter can be quickly written and mailed. But to get the best return on your investment, you need to do direct mail right or it could end up being a waste of time and money. Based on 20 years of experience in advertising and public relations, here are some tips on developing an effective direct mail marketing campaign.

Publication date: 12/16/2013

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