New technologies are constantly arriving in the refrigeration sector. From time to time, we’ll take a look at some of those advancements. This article will focus on developments in motors and ice machines.
A division of Epec Engineered Technologies, EC Fans & Drives, gave a report on its EC electric motors specifically for HVACR. They factor in the introduction of new energy-efficiency standards derived from the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE).
Simon Gidney, president of EC Fans & Drives, said, “Anyone involved within the supermarket industry should be aware that profit margins are tight, typically between 1 percent and 3 percent. With the ECplus™ motor you can expect up to 80 percent savings in energy consumption. The opportunity to save even one-eighth of a cent would prove to be a drastic improvement in the refrigeration and HVAC industries.”
He noted that refrigeration accounts for over 35 percent of the energy consumed in a standard supermarket, and that due to stringent legislation targeting energy savings, commercial refrigerators and freezers have become focused on. “This has resulted in supermarket procurement departments specifying that all new and retrofitted commercial refrigerators and freezers are fitted with electronically commutated motors. Coca-Cola and other leading OEMs in the commercial refrigeration sector have already begun implementing the cost-saving benefits of the ECplus motors and their energy-efficient technology.”
For more information, go to
Ice Machines
Scotsman Ice Systems has available the Essential™ ice machines, a compact line manufactured in Scotsman Ice System’s facility in Fairfax, S.C. The product line for is designed for those seeking under-the-counter units and need production of less than 100 pounds of ice per day.
“We are excited to announce the Essential line of undercounter cubers to the marketplace,” said Jeff Biel, director of marketing at Scotsman Ice Systems. “Our customers asked for a basic, under-100-pound cuber to suit lower ice production operations, and we are happy to deliver that need.”
The dimensions of the line are 15 or 20 inches wide, 38 inches tall, 24 inches deep, with 6-inch adjustable legs and the ability to fit under 34-inch countertops, which are compliant with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), with an optional floor-mount kit. The line consists of three different storage and production units: The CU0415, which can store up to 36 pounds daily and produce up to 58 pounds daily; CU0715, which offers 36 pounds of storage daily and, produces up to 80 pounds daily; and CU0920, which has a capacity of 57 pounds of daily storage, and up to 100 pounds produced daily.
Its built-in sliding back door was designed to conserve space and allow access to the ice bin. The company also said the line has an intuitive control panel that features an on-off-clean switch and buttons to adjust ice thickness and harvest time. The line is built with a horizontal evaporator to eliminate minerals in ice cubes and uses HFC-134a. For more information, go to
Publication date: 1/27/2014