MALTA, N.Y. — Building Performance Institute Inc. (BPI) announced the launch of the BPI GoldStar Contractor program, a companywide credentialing program that recognizes and rewards home-performance contractors committed to the principle that quality is profitable and can set them apart in the marketplace. The program rolls out in tandem with a consumer outreach campaign to educate the public on the exceptional quality of BPI GoldStar Contractors.

The program focuses on strengthening contractors’ internal quality control processes to help improve services, reduce waste, and invest in systems that result in greater profits and customer satisfaction. Company management and staff build quality management skills by participating in training and business-to-business mentoring that rewards progress with discounts on BPI certification and renewal fees, industry conferences, and other BPI products and services.

“We’ve got a lot of smart building scientists in this industry, but it takes more than technical skills and hard work to succeed; you also need smart business management systems that fit your company and your marketplace,” said Larry Zarker, CEO, BPI. “BPI GoldStar Contractors know they’re not perfect, but they’re committed to two core principles: delivering high-quality whole-house solutions to their customers, and continuous process improvement in every aspect of their day-to-day operations.”

The BPI GoldStar Contractor program replaces BPI’s former Accredited Contracting Company program. The new program drives service improvement through front-end quality management training of contractors, rather than by catching poor performance through back-end QA inspections after work is done. All current BPI-accredited contracting companies meet the new qualifying criteria and are automatically grandfathered into the new BPI GoldStar Contractor program.

Training will take place via free webinars, subsidized training seminars, and a mentoring network administered by BPI. BPI GoldStar Contractors will also have access to BPI’s QMS microsite, an online storehouse of practical templates, sample policies and spreadsheets, videos, articles, and other quality management tools tailored to the home-performance industry.

Publication date: 6/23/2014 

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