The Heatronic 4000 commercial boiler control can activate up to four boilers utilizing outdoor temperature reset, space heating set point, and domestic hot water set point or communication received via BACnet and Modbus. Specifically designed and configured with commercial and light industrial installers in mind, the control has a Bosch/Buderus boiler menu selector with the entire range of Bosch and Buderus condensing and noncondensing, stainless steel, cast-iron, and cast-aluminum commercial boilers with individual inputs from 215-5,443 MBtuh. The control comes with preprogrammed parameters for almost 40 Bosch-Buderus boilers and can operate both condensing and noncondensing boilers as well as mixed plants with a combination of the two. The menu selector comes with 22 default preprogrammed parameters stored in memory, including fuel type, burner signal, boiler mass, low and high inputs in Btu, and a minimum/maximum modulation signal.
Bosch Thermotechnology
eProduct 182
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