WOOSTER, Ohio — Buehler’s Fresh Foods announced that it has been recognized with two U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) GreenChill Partnership Awards for 2013. The company received the Most Improved Emissions Rate award for lowering its refrigerant emissions rate more than any other supermarket in the GreenChill Partnership. In addition, Buehler’s met its refrigerant emissions goal for 2013 to earn the Superior Goal Achievement award.

“GreenChill is pleased to honor Buehler’s Fresh Foods with its second GreenChill Most Improved Emissions Rate award and Superior Goal Achievement award,” said Tom Land, GreenChill program manager. “Buehler’s achieved two notable feats in 2013. First they achieved a larger reduction in their refrigerant emissions rate versus 2012 levels than any other GreenChill partner. Second, Buehler’s has achieved a larger reduction in their emissions rate compared to their first year in the partnership than any other partner”

EPA’s GreenChill Partnership 2014 award ceremony was held at the Food Marketing Institute Energy & Store Development Conference in St. Louis. Becky Foster, Buehler’s vice president construction and maintenance, received the awards for Buehler’s based on her efforts with Dan Steffen of Harrison Refrigeration, Buehler’s refrigeration contractor.

EPA’s GreenChill Partnership works with supermarkets to reduce refrigerant emissions and decrease their impact on the ozone layer and climate change. The partnership helps supermarkets transition to environmentally friendlier refrigerants; reduce harmful refrigerant emissions; and adopt greener refrigeration technologies and environmental best practices. There are approximately 8,000 GreenChill partner stores throughout the country.

For more information, visit www.epa.gov/greenchill.

Publication date: 9/22/2014