This is my last Point of View commentary for The NEWS’ FROSTlines eNewsletter. By the time you read this, I will have been retired for several weeks.

FROSTlines was a new venture for The NEWS when it began a few years ago. It was set to focus totally on refrigeration and it would be online only.

The idea gave me some mixed feelings. I had lived refrigeration for 30 years and loved writing about it — much more than I did heating and air conditioning. Refrigeration is a far more complex and challenging aspect of HVACR and has experienced more rapid changes than other sectors of climate control. From day one, I never felt that I could cover or keep up with it all — but I tried. And it was good to get a place to talk refrigeration, and refrigeration only.

At the same time, creating online-only content was strange for me. I came from a journalism background when journalism was only provided in print, radio, and television, and I was strictly on the print side. There was no Internet, cable TV, or cell phones and most certainly no social media, webinars, or video conferencing. So it has always been a little strange for me to be writing not to fill a fixed amount of space on the page of a printed publication, but just writing for something that exists in cyberspace.

But the word I get is that FROSTlines is doing very well and I know it will continue to do so for years to come.

I was pleased to be a small part of the FROSTlines process since its first days and even happier to have been a part of the refrigeration industry for three decades.