Evaporcool: Evaporative Precooling SystemThe Evaporcool System attaches noninvasively to virtually any air-cooled HVAC unit and uses the principle of evaporative cooling, essentially changing the weather immediately outside the HVAC unit, allowing it to operate as if it’s cooler outside than it actually is. Evaporcool precools the incoming condenser air using evaporation. The SmartSpray controller enables the system to use a minimal amount of water and eliminates the need for a drain line or sump and recirculation system. By measuring the real-time ambient weather conditions and the compressor liquid line temperature, the controller knows how often, and for how long, to spray. This enables the unit to spray as much or as little water as it needs and to evaporate all the water that it sprays, thereby using very little water. The system leaves no standing water or runoff water.


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