At, The NEWSExtra Edition page is home to hundreds of online-exclusive service and maintenance, technical, and business-management articles. Here are some of the best.

Boiler Troubleshooting

With the heating season in full force, it’s a good time to review best practices in heating troubleshooting. This article covers boilers. The information is a summarized section from HVAC Troubleshooting, a guide book published by BSRIA, a test, instruments, research, and consultancy organization headquartered in the U.K. The full guide covers the most common building heating, cooling, and controls systems and assumes a sound knowledge of the investigation/check procedures to be carried out.

Btu Buddy 17: Examining a Cooling Tower Problem

A manager of a group of theaters has called and told the dispatcher that the air conditioning system is not working at a shopping mall that has six theaters. Bob is sent to handle the job. He arrives and, since he’s never been there before, the manager takes him to the equipment room. He finds a water-cooled chiller that looks to be supplying about 50 ton of air conditioning. Bob looks over the chiller and discovers that the high-pressure control has the chiller off.

Modern HVACR Service and the Contractor’s Bottom Line

Air conditioning and refrigeration contractors everywhere are facing increasing pressures to be more productive. Rising labor rates, more legal requirements, and stiff competition require productive staff and innovative management. With the current trends in technician certification, these demands will only increase. Armed with the proper tools and knowledgeable staff, savvy contractors can overcome these challenges while improving their competitiveness and customer satisfaction.

Request Customer Feedback

It’s important to find out quickly if you’re doing anything wrong out in the field. A service technician who doesn’t use his booties and dirties a customer’s rug can cost you future business. It’s also important to find out what you’re doing right. A service technician who is always polite and professional, even when it’s an urgent emergency job, is golden. That’s why it’s essential to always request customer feedback.

Publication date: 3/16/2015

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