MALTA, N.Y. — Two new Building Performance Institute Inc. (BPI) standards initiatives have been listed with the American National Standards Institute (ANSI).

The first initiative is a proposal to update ANSI/BPI-2400-S-2012: “Standard Practice for the Standardized Qualification of Whole-House Energy Savings Predictions by Calibration to Energy Use History,” also known as the “Delta Standard.”

The Delta Standard specifies a process for the calculation of standardized predicted savings: The difference (delta) between the modeled energy usage before and after an upgrade using approved building energy use simulation software. The process uses actual home energy bills to predict savings and provides a set of standardized operating conditions to be used in the final calculation of predicted savings. The standard applies to existing detached single-family dwellings and townhouses that meet the specific criteria detailed in the scope.

The Delta Standard was developed by a working group created by BPI’s Standards Technical Committee (STC) and comprised of subject matter experts representing a wide variety of interest categories and geographical locations. Proposed revisions to the standard are designed to provide incremental improvements in clarity and utility. These revisions will be available for public review around mid-April. Further information will be available at that time.

The second initiative is a proposal for the development of a new ANSI standard reviewing the methodology for quantifying savings from energy-efficiency retrofits at the portfolio level. The proposed standard, “Protocol for Quantifying Energy Efficiency Savings in Residential Buildings,” will be developed by a committee of subject matter experts from across the country, and will be cosponsored by the ACCA and BPI.

This standard will provide a uniform method for measuring energy savings resulting from efficiency improvements at the portfolio level by calculating a standard unit of gross savings for existing residential buildings based on weather-adjusted, metered utility data. Outputs may include time, locations, and seasonality of savings. The standard will also identify a process for qualifying automated systems for compliance with this standard. The savings protocol is intended for the use of markets and utilities. The purpose of this standard is to create a unified methodology to quantify energy savings in order to commoditize and consistently value residential energy savings with a focus on single-family and multifamily structures. Comments regarding these proposed initiatives are being solicited from stakeholders and the general public. If you would like to submit a comment, please contact by April 12.

Publication date: 3/30/2015 

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