ATLANTA — ScottMadden Inc., an energy consulting firm, recently released its Energy Industry Update, a semi-annual report that highlights bottom-line insights, distills recent events, and helps readers prepare for emerging trends.

The report, “Strange Brew: Adapting to Changing Fundamentals,” examines a broad array of strategic issues, including a review of the trends in the community solar market, the different models for its deployment, and the long-term outlook for community solar in the U.S. Insight was drawn from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA’s) Clean Power Plan, which aims to reduce emissions of CO2 from existing power plants. The report also examines where New York is headed, the key issues being addressed, and what the state’s Reforming the Energy Vision (REV) initiative mean for the industry.

“Grid transformation is moving to the forefront, some regulators are rethinking the 100-year-old regulatory compact, and advancing technologies are creating new possibilities,” said Greg Litra, partner and energy, clean tech, and sustainability research leader, ScottMadden. “This is indeed a ‘strange brew’ of uncertainty, change, and shifting fundamentals. It’s an exciting time for the industry and all of us in it.”

To download the latest Energy Industry Update, visit

Publication date: 9/28/2015 

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