NEW YORK — ABM, a leading provider of facility solutions, announced its ABM Building Solutions business is performing extensive energy and facility improvements to public buildings throughout Wyoming County in Pennsylvania. ABM’s Bundled Energy Solutions (BES) program guarantees Wyoming County will save at least $3.9 million in energy and operating costs over the next 15 years.
The BES program is designed as a financial solution to meet clients’ technical facility needs and sustainability goals. ABM’s goal is to drive costs out of a client's operating budget, allowing savings to be reallocated to fund mission critical facility needs. In addition to the $3.9 million in energy and operating costs, ABM’s program is expected to generate an additional $1 million in general fund relief for Wyoming County over the next 20 years — all without adding burden to local taxpayers or cuts to the county’s services.
“The partnering of Wyoming County and ABM will greatly benefit the constituents of Wyoming County. Not only can we implement these much needed improvements without a tax increase, but ABM guarantees the results and future performance of the county’s facilities,” said Tom Henry, chairman of Wyoming County Commissioners.
Wyoming County has experienced significantly higher utility costs, often double the cost per square foot, than those at similar facilities in neighboring Columbia County. In 2011, Columbia County utilized ABM’s Bundled Energy Solutions program to save $4.9 million in energy and operating costs over a 15-year guaranteed contract. The success of this project encouraged Wyoming County to improve its energy efficiency with its own customized program for key public buildings. The improvements will lower Wyoming County’s utility costs by an average of 33 percent, including a 49 percent savings for the county’s courthouse.
Energy efficiency improvements include upgrading HVAC systems as well as integrating building automation and PC management systems at the courthouse. ABM is improving the energy efficiency of the county’s prison and 911 call center by installing advanced HVAC systems with high-efficiency boilers and fitting building automation systems to regulate energy usage. ABM is also converting pre-existing systems to use cost-effective propane gas. ABM enlisted local HVAC service contractor Energy Technologies Inc., a franchisee of ABM’s subsidiary Linc Service, to install the county’s new HVAC systems.
“ABM is excited to help Wyoming County improve the comfort, functionality, and sustainability of public buildings essential to the community with our self-funding solutions. We are pleased counties across the country are seeking our advice on solutions that reduce energy and operating costs without impacting taxpayers and existing budgets,” said Scott Giacobbe, president of ABM Building & Energy Solutions.
For more information, visit
Publication date: 10/5/2015
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