LUND, Sweden — With new server cooling technology and free cooling solutions, Alfa Laval now has a complete offering for data center cooling. The company said this comprehensive range makes it easier to provide optimum systems for specific data center needs.

The number of data centers continues to increase worldwide and there has been a proliferation of products, systems, and technologies for data center cooling.

“There are so many options out there, that it can be confusing,” said Mats Carselid, marketing manager, Data Center Cooling. “Our aim is to take the complication out of data center cooling. And now that we have a new solution that has been specifically developed for server cooling — Low Speed Ventilation — the choice is even easier.”

Alfa Laval’s data center cooling offering includes:

• New server cooling technology — Low Speed Ventilation (LSV) is a new, highly efficient cooling technology for server rooms resulting in lower energy consumption, lower cooling-related energy bills (by up to 30 percent depending on the center’s size, type, and location) and the lowest possible PUE, said Alfa Laval.

• Free cooling with air — Thanks to its wide product portfolio Alfa Laval said it is able to combine adiabatic or dry coolers with gasketed plate heat exchangers for air-based free cooling systems. It identifies the optimum periods for free cooling or chiller cooling in year-round operation.

• Free cooling with water — This is an economic and eco-friendly solution sourced from rivers, lakes, or oceans. The company offers both water filters and gasketed plate heat exchangers for free cooling with water. This system can often operate year-round without mechanical cooling.

• Continuous partnership — Proactive maintenance and customized service programs ensure optimal long-term equipment performance. The company assists data center operators via a global infrastructure for local support.

“With the addition of Low Speed Ventilation, we now have a comprehensive range covering all aspects of data center cooling. But, what makes the real difference is how we use our expertise to help customers identify the right solution, or combination of solutions, to create a complete cooling system optimized for a specific data center,” said Carselid.

For more information, visit

Publication date: 1/26/2016

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