A 17-state bipartisan coalition called the Governors’ Accord for a New Energy Future has been announced. It represents an effort by these states to develop and implement clean energy policies and initiatives that expand clean energy sources, modernize energy infrastructure, and build a clean energy economy.
The governors of the following states signed the accord: California, Connecticut, Delaware, Hawaii, Iowa, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Nevada, New Hampshire, New York, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Vermont, Virginia, and Washington. These states have pledged to diversify energy generation and expand clean energy sources, modernize the energy infrastructure, encourage clean transportation options, and work together to make transformational energy policy changes and plan for the needed energy transition to clean, renewable energy.
California Gov. Edmund G. Brown Jr. said, “With this accord, governors from both parties have joined together and committed themselves to a clean energy future. Our goal is to clean up the air and protect our natural resources.”
New York Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo stated, “From the creation of a $5 billion Clean Energy Fund to implementing our ambitious Clean Energy Standard, New York is fully committed to our role as a national leader in growing the clean tech economy. We are proud to join with other states seeking to achieve the same goal, and by working together, we can develop an effective national energy policy to ensure a safer, greener, and more sustainable future for all.”
Iowa Gov. Terry E. Branstad said, “Iowa is proud to be the nation's leader in renewable energy. We are first in the nation in terms of the production of ethanol and biodiesel. We generate nearly 30 percent of our energy from wind, and Iowa could be the first state in the nation to meet 40 percent of our energy needs from wind power by 2020 far ahead of any other state. And Iowa is a growing market for solar production. Our leadership in green energy not only makes us a leader in renewables but also powers job growth for many Iowa families. We will continue to pursue policies that will build on the foundation we have already for an even greener Iowa future.”
For more information, visit www.governorsnewenergyfuture.org/governors/.
Publication date: 3/9/2016
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