Sealed Unit Parts Co. Inc.: Condensate Pumps

Company: Sealed Unit Parts Co. Inc.
Product: SPCP Series
Description: These pumps are designed to remove condensate from a/c systems, condensing furnaces, boilers, ice machines, drinking fountains, and coolers. They incorporate an overflow switch that can be used to shut down the system and activate an 80-dB alarm. They are capable of a 22-foot lift at 10 gallons per hour. The 3/8-inch rubber ball check valve is easily removed for cleaning and is replaceable. Vibration-absorbing feet dampen sound and vibration. The SPCP Series is available in 120 V and 208/240 V, and additional features include side-mounting tabs, three water inlets, and a 6-foot power cord.
Contact: 732-223-6644;
eProduct 181
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