Company: Electro Static Technology

Product: AEGIS® Pro Series Rings

Description: Available for motor shafts up to 30 inches in diameter, this product is designed for high-current applications, such as generators, turbines, and medium-voltage motors. If not diverted, shaft voltages produced by variable frequency drives (VFDs) discharge through the bearings of motors, generators, and coupled equipment. Embedded securely in the AEGIS FiberLock channel along the inner circumference of the PRO Series Rings, six rows of conductive microfibers completely surround the motor shaft, which provides millions of discharge points for harmful shaft currents and creates the path of least resistance that effectively diverts these currents away from bearings to ground. The product comes in solid- and split-ring versions. Solid rings are designed to be installed on new or repaired motors prior to their installation. Split rings come in mating halves that simplify field installation around the shafts of in-service/coupled motors.

Contact: 207-998-5140;

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