Company: Trane, an Ingersoll Rand brand
Product: Compact Vertical Blower Coil
Description: Available as a single-zone variable air volume (VAV) system with Tracer™ UC400 controllers, this blower coil can deliver stable temperatures, quiet operation, and dehumidification advantages for spaces of varying sizes and occupancies. Trane single-zone VAV systems combine electronically commutated motors (ECM) and factory-programmed variable-speed controllers that adjust the speed of the unit’s motor and its air volume to meet unique load requirements in various spaces of a building. Because it precisely matches load requirements, the motor’s variable-speed technology is ideal for partial-load conditions. Additional flexible design and configuration options include simple or complex controls, coil options, and piping packages, making it an affordable system solution for a variety of building applications.
Contact: 800-945-5884;
eProduct 187
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