Weis Markets Recognized with Three GreenChill Awards
Refrigerant management, reduced emissions, overall efforts to protect environment earn awards
SUNBURY, Pa. — Weis Markets, a Mid-Atlantic food retailer operating 190 stores, announced it has been honored with three U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) GreenChill Awards. The company was recognized in the categories of Most Improved Emissions Rate, Superior Goal Achievement, and Store Re-Certification Excellence, as a result of its refrigerant management programs, reduced emissions, and overall efforts to protect the environment.
“Weis Markets is leading the way in training their refrigeration service technicians,” said Shawn M. Garvin, EPA regional administrator. “Over the past year they have launched new programs and implemented best service practices that are reducing their refrigerant emissions.”
“It’s an honor to be recognized by the EPA’s GreenChill Advanced Refrigeration Partnership for our efforts to reduce our carbon footprint. We share these three awards with all our associates who continually help us improve our refrigeration management programs,” said R. Kevin Small, Weis Markets vice president of development. “In recent years, we’ve utilized the GreenChill model of goal-setting and careful monitoring to broaden our ongoing sustainability to the areas of energy consumption and food recovery. Continuous improvement in sustainability is a crucial area for us and represents an ongoing commitment to the communities we serve.”
GreenChill is an EPA partnership that helps supermarkets transition to environmentally-friendlier refrigerants, reduce the amount of refrigerants used, and eliminate harmful refrigerant leaks. GreenChill has 54 partners with more than 8,000 stores, representing more than 20 percent of the supermarket industry.
Weis Markets received top honors in the following categories:
• 2015 Achievement Award - Most Improved Emissions Rate (since baseline year). This award goes to the partner with the most improved emissions rate for commercial systems from the previous year, and the partner with the most improved emissions rate since its baseline year.
• 2015 Achievement Award - Superior Goal Achievement. This award goes to each partner that achieves its annual GreenChill refrigerant emissions reduction goal.
• 2015-2016 Achievement Award - Store Re-Certification Excellence (Bellefonte, Pennsylvania). This award goes to each supermarket that has renewed its GreenChill Store Certification for five consecutive years.
For more information about Weis Markets, visit www.weismarkets.com.
Publication date: 10/28/2016
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