HOUSTON — Power generation and HVAC specialty rental company Aggreko plc has launched a mobile application in North America to support its Aggreko Remote Monitoring (ARM) tool.
ARM is on most of Aggreko’s fleet of generators, select oil-free air compressors, and portable cooling equipment in North America, and provides real-time asset monitoring, to prevent issues, improve uptime, and help customers keep operations running at peak efficiency.
The mobile application is available now for devices using iOS, and gives users remote access to equipment status within thousands of critical equipment parameters while it is on a customer’s site, such as load capacity, amps, run hours, and GPS location. Users will be notified of any critical performance alarms and contacted immediately by Aggreko’s 24/7 Remote Operations Center (ROC), a response service staffed by expert technicians to diagnose problems, remotely fix issues, and proactively prevent failures when possible. The mobile application also offers access to power and sizing calculators, and live customer support.
“With our new ARM mobile application, Aggreko gives customers visibility anytime, anywhere into its equipment’s performance conditions, potentially saving unanticipated downtime and capital expenditure costs,” said Bruce Pool, president of Aggreko Rental Solutions. “The combined expertise of our technicians, the Remote Operations Center, and Aggreko’s network of local service centers continues to increase equipment performance reliability and deliver powerful success for our customers.”
ARM mobile application information can also be accessed through an online portal for customers who want to view equipment performance from their desktop or laptop.
For more information, visit www.aggreko.com.
Publication date: 11/18/2016
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