Company: KE2 Therm Solutions

Product: KE2 Temp + Valve Control

Description: The KE2 Temp+Valve Control (KE2 Temp+VC) provides an entry-level electronic controller that serves the functions of a superheat controller — thermostat, defrost clock, and electronic expansion valve (EEV) — electric hot gas bypass controller, and electronic evaporator pressure controller while offering text/email alarm alerts as well as remote monitoring and control. The controller incorporates numerous pre-programmed valve options or custom settings, and the KE2 Temp+VC provides control of superheat by pressure/temperature. The product provides an intuitive user interface to adjust the default settings. Or, for even easier setup, it can be connected through the KE2 LDA communication device to access a dashboard with all the KE2 Therm controllers on a local area network.

Contact: 888-337-3358;;

eProduct 185

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