Company: Extech Instruments

Product: TH30, RHT30, and RHT35

Description: The Extech TH30, RHT30, and RHT35 compact dataloggers are designed to provide HVACR professionals with easy access to real-time temperature, humidity, and barometric pressure readings as well as insights compiled from extended readings preformatted in Excel or PDF report formats. Users can set and forget the dataloggers with a customizable recording rate from once every 30 seconds to once every two hours, and it holds a capacity of up to 48,000 combined total readings with date and time stamps. For multisite logging, readings can be associated with up to eight locations. Technicians and occupants can quickly check current readings on the large, highly visible LCD. When reporting is required, the dataloggers can be connected to a PC or laptop to easily output readings in a Microsoft Excel or Adobe PDF format.

Contact: 877-239-8324;;

eProduct 185

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