BALTIMORE — U.S. Labor Secretary Alexander Acosta joined the National Association of Manufacturers (NAM) at Marlin Steel Wire Products in Baltimore Oct. 6 to tour the facility, meet with employees, and highlight the profound impact manufacturing has on the economy as part of Manufacturing Day. Secretary Acosta also spoke to participants about how tax reform will help small business across America.

“Today we celebrate more than 12 million Americans who work in manufacturing and millions more who work in the jobs that support the industry,” said Acosta. “The impact of manufacturing on the American economy, and the value of these family-sustaining jobs, can’t be underestimated. Expanding economic opportunity through workplace education, commonsense regulations, and tax reform will strengthen manufacturing for decades to come.”

In late September, the Trump administration and congressional leaders released their plans to overhaul the U.S. tax code. The proposal, which is the most sweeping reform plan in decades, aims to slash tax rates and simplify the tax code.

“Today’s men and women of manufacturing are inspiring the next generation of innovators and inventors,” said Jay Timmons, president and CEO, NAM. “To celebrate Manufacturing Day, manufacturers in Maryland, and across the country, are looking into the eyes of children and showing them the promise of careers that create, reward, and lead to lifelong learning and success. But inspiration alone is not enough. Manufacturers need a lifeline through bold tax reform to keep and expand operations in our country. President Trump and Secretary Acosta know what’s at stake, and we’re grateful that Secretary Acosta is in Maryland with us to help forcefully make the case for tax reform that will lift up all Marylanders and Americans.”

“Manufacturing is ready to be unleashed to help hardworking Americans move into the middle class and take care of their families,” said Drew Greenblatt, president and owner of Marlin Steel Wire Products and chair of the NAM’s Small and Medium Manufacturers Group. “The difference our business has made in the lives of our workers is dramatic. It’s just a sampling of the incredible benefits a recharged manufacturing sector can do — after tax reform for all manufacturers, like our small business — to increase paychecks and make getting by a whole lot easier.”

First held in 2012 along with the Fabricators & Manufacturers Association International (FMA), Manufacturing Day gives manufacturers the opportunity to address the skills gaps they face, connect with future generations, take charge of the public image of manufacturing, and ensure the ongoing prosperity of the industry as a whole.

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Publication date: 10/24/2017