ARLINGTON, Va. — Chris Gessner of Schaafsma Heating and Cooling Co. in Grand Rapids, Michigan, was named ACCA’s 2017 Service Manager of the Year.

"It is an honor to be named as ACCA’s Service Manager of the Year,” said Gessner. “Being honored this way is a reflection of the people that we have on our team. It truly is easy to give 100 percent effort, 100 percent of the time when you want everyone around you to succeed. That is why I have worked so hard on the programs we have implemented. I do believe that we can achieve all of our goals if we work together."

Paul T. Stalknecht, ACCA president and CEO said, "Once again, we received many excellent nominations for the Service Manager of the Year award. Chris, however, stood out in the nomination process because he proved that he is committed to upholding the quality contracting practices that ACCA members are known for. His efforts to encourage professional development among Schaafsma’s technicians, and his commitment to quality training programs are widely recognized by Chris’s colleagues. He is very deserving of this great award.”

Kevin Walsh, president and CEO of Schaafsma Heating and Cooling, said, “I am very proud of the work that Chris does at Schaafsma and was honored to nominate him for ACCA’s Service Manager of the Year award. Chris has developed new programs for our technicians to help them grow and acquire new skills, and he ensures that our installation crews have the latest training available. He is truly dedicated to raising the bar and increasing the professionalism in our industry.”

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Publication date: 10/27/2017

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