ROLLING MEADOWS, Illinois – The California Energy Commission (CEC) has approved RSES to act as a Mechanical Non-Residential Acceptance Test Technician Certification Provider (ATTCP) for the 2016 Title 24 code. Title 24 is the part of the California Code of Regulations (a/k/a The Energy Efficiency Standards for Residential and Nonresidential Buildings) that was created by the California Building Standards Commission to help reduce the state’s energy consumption.

ATTCPs are professional organizations that are approved by the CEC to provide training curriculum for Acceptance Test Technicians (ATT) and Acceptance Test Employers (ATE), certification procedures, compliant resolution (including disciplinary procedures), quality assurance and accountability measures. The ATTCP program provides training, certification, and oversight of ATTs who perform the acceptance tests required by the Standards, as well as the ATEs that employ ATTs.

The CEC wants experienced mechanical Acceptance Testing Technicians to be able to test all new commercial HVAC equipment that is installed. While not mandatory yet, it possibly will be as soon as the end of 2018 or early 2019. The CEC requires a candidate for this certification to have at least 36 months of experience working in the area of testing they will be performing on the equipment.

RSES has contracted with Brownson Technical School, Anaheim, California, and North American Training Center, Redlands, California, to be its performance training providers for the state. RSES must first approve a candidate for the hands-on training and evaluation portion to be done by Brownson Technical School or North American Training Center. To learn more about RSES’ involvement with Title 24 visit

Publication date: 5/25/2018

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