ATLANTA — ASHRAE announced a call for papers for its 2019 ASHRAE Annual Conference to be held in Kansas City, Missouri, June 22-26, 2019, at the Kansas City Marriott and Kansas City Convention Center.

The conference includes a technical program comprised of eight tracks and one mini-track representing areas of focus common among ASHRAE membership.

“With the global movement toward sustainable energy, the HVACR industry is ever-changing,” said Carrie Anne Monsplair, chair of the 2019 Annual Conference. “We continue to face new challenges as we adapt our designs, codes, and technology to fit this constantly changing criteria. The 2019 ASHRAE Annual Conference aims to address these challenges, and offer best practices, lessons learned, and innovative design strategies to be applied in a wide range of topics."

The “HVACR Systems and Equipment in the Built Environment” track focuses on selection, which is paramount to HVACR design. Papers in this track will assist designers, engineers, and operators in the design, selection, and operation of HVACR systems and equipment.

The “Fundamentals and Applications” track lays the foundation for understanding applications in engineering. Key components include thermodynamics, psychrometrics, fluid, and mass flow. This track provides opportunities for papers of varying levels across a large topic base. Concepts, design elements, and shared experiences for theoretical and applied concepts of HVACR design are included.

The “Optimization in HVAC&R” track seeks papers focused on using models to inform decision-making for design and operation of HVACR and high performance buildings.

The “Commissioning New & Existing Buildings” track will address an array of topics including lessons learned, improvement of process and team communications and effort to improve the installation, startup, O&M, and commissioning of HVAC systems.

The “Occupant Health & Safety” track includes topics such as filtration, change-overs, best practices for maintainability, fire ratings/dampers, detection and ventilation for toxic gases, operator safety in equipment rooms, OSHA requirements, industrial, and hazardous spaces.

Papers are solicited for the “Modeling Throughout the Building Life Cycle” track on all aspects of building modeling, with a particular interest in successful applications that have extended modeling into operational phases of the building life cycle. 

The “Professional Development” track will cover all aspects of business outside of engineering/technical applications and lends itself to interactive session types such as workshops and forums.

In addition, a “Radiant Heating & Cooling” mini-track will explore the fundamental concepts of how different radiant systems work (high mass versus. low mass), how they are designed, constructed and optimally controlled, and where they have been used in the past, with lessons learned and documented performance data.

Abstracts submissions for conference papers are due Aug. 21.. If accepted, final papers will be due Nov. 30.. 

In addition, technical papers (complete 30-page maximum papers, published in “ASHRAE Transactions”) are due Aug. 21.

For the first time, ASHRAE is offering an extended abstract option for the 2019 Annual Research Summit track.

“Extended abstracts accepted for the Research Summit could lead to publication in Science and Technology for the Built Environment, ASHRAE’s research journal,” said Carrie Anne Monplaisir, conference chair. “Authors may receive an invitation to submit a full-length paper for the journal.”

The extended abstracts option is available for the Research Summit track only and are due Feb. 9, 2019.

For more information on the call for paper and the 2019 ASHRAE Annual Conference, visit

Publication date: 8/01/2018

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