FOUNTAIN VALLEY, Calif -- Noritz America expanded its ecoTOUGH and ValueSolutions tankless water heater series with three new models offering a new, 12-year heat exchanger, a new scale-detection software, and a compact design with an integral readout window. According to the company, the readout window permits basic servicing without the need for a remote device. Located at the lower right of the front panel, the small display indicates flow rates, temperature, and common error codes.

“The scale detection software and the integral display window are designed to alert homeowners and service contractors of scale buildup within the unit,” explained Noritz marketing manager Jason Fleming. “The main benefit of this early alert system is proactive leak prevention, of course. But thanks to the more durable heat exchanger, these units won’t need to be flushed as often to assure a ready and abundant supply of hot water for the household.”

Noritz began shipping the new models – the NR501, NR662 and NRC711 – nationwide in early January. All three models carry a 12-year warranty on the heat exchanger and five years on all parts.

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